Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Can't Sleep

I never realized how overwhelming it would be to start a blog on here.  There are so many decisions to make.  What do I want my font to be for the title?  This is the first impression you see of me...what impression am I even trying to make?

In typical fashion, I have done about 1/3 of the blog design setup and postponed the rest for a later date.  1/3 might be a generous estimate.  Considering it took me 6 months to fully decorate my rooms in the last two places I lived in, I wouldn't hold my breath.  Side note, for some reason using the word decorate brings to mind imagery of unicorns and glitter.  I did not decorate my rooms with unicorns and glitter.  Mostly just ponies and Hello Kitty.  Unicorns aren't real!

I have always enjoyed writing.  Some of you have gotten a glimpse of what my blogs are like back from the PartTimePoker days but in typical fashion, I haven't posted on there in a year and a half.  Inspired by my good friend Youngman Brown's blog, I have decided it is time to once again pick up the pen, and share with the world my awe-inspiring thoughts.

Plug time!  For all of my many readers out there who enjoy reading blogs of people they don't know but have a great sense of humor and writing style, I suggest you check out his blog.  My personal favorite post:

So we'll consider this post a brief re-introduction into the random musings of my mind.  I don't know how much I'll post on here, but I hope that I can keep this up at least a couple times a month.  Aim low, and you will rarely be disappointed.  What I will say is that I like to be a very open and honest person and I will try to exemplify that with this blog.  I am often embarrassed by the choices I make but never ashamed...ok, rarely ashamed.

Two nights ago I went to see an Avicii concert in Madison, WI.  We went to bed at around 3 am, I can't be sure as to what time it was as I was preoccupied with stuffing a calzone into my face, and that apparently precludes me from obtaining time awareness.  Side note, I wanted to find a way to turn time into a word ending in "-al", like season into "seasonal," but couldn't come up with anything.  If you think of a good one, let me know.

You'd think after a night full of dancing and heavy drinking I would get a good nights sleep.  You'd be mistaken.  I woke up at 8 am ready to shoot out of bed, excited about the night before and experiencing my body's now-standard reaction to heavy drinking, launching into attack mode a full three hours before I ever normally see daylight.  I left for Vegas later on that day (i.e. yesterday) and arrived in Vegas around 10 in time to get in a quick workout, eat a quick brownie, and go back and talk about our (my and Eric's) upcoming plans for Australia.  You see, in 3 days now, Eric I leave for Australia to live in Byron Bay for 2 months and  So we ended up talking until like 6 am and then throwing on Louis C.K.'s "Hilarious"...which lived up to its title and then some.  I had never been much of a fan as I'd only seen him in his TV show but it turns out the guy is legitimately a comic genius.  Finally, 7 am rolls around and its time to pass out.  5 hours of drunken sleep the night before, up until 7 am the night after, you have to assume a good night's sleep is in the cards.  You'd be mistaken.  I woke up at 10 am and was too excited thinking about Australia and other plans.  And thus the title of this blog, "I Can't Sleep."

I recently saw the movie Hanna (which turned out to be a pretty interesting movie and had a great soundtrack by the Chemical Brothers) and in it they define music as "Music; a combination of sounds with a view to beauty of form and expression of emotion."  With this in mind:

So this turned out to be a bit rambling, but such is often the case when you log on just knowing you want to write but really have no idea what you plan on talking about.  In future posts, I will try to use more coherent themes.  I've always been a don't-care-much-for-editing, first-or-second-draft kind of guy, so you can expect more of the same.

Until next time.



  1. Thanks for the shout-out!

    Perhaps the word you were looking for was durational? Don't even know if that is right.

    And yes, aim low and you will rarely be disappointed.

  2. I know I am reading this months later but I believe the word you wanted was "temporal".
    "I was preoccupied with stuffing a calzone into my face, and that apparently precludes me from obtaining time awareness." Frigging hilarious!!
