Saturday, July 23, 2016

Bigger Than Me (Feel The Love) #100daysofmusic

"The idea is to fill up Facebook with music, breaking the monotony of politics and Pokemon. The people who "like" this post will be given a letter of a musician, band or artist and you should post a video of this, including this text on your timeline..." - My friend, Kendall, on FB, from a friend of hers and so on...

This kernel inspired a new idea as I'm holy-shit-a-whole-week-late posting my letter "R," and I happen to post an "A" track instead, and find myself listening to a "B" track that inspires me...why not 100 days of music.

The 100 Days of Music Official Playlist

So for each day from today, a triple-loaded day 1, I'll post a track or artist by the letter or day or whatever I decide going forth basically* It could be a song that inspires me, makes me laugh, or one that I just pure love. THERE ARE NO RULES. ...except that I must post something everyday :)

Can't imagine a better way to start each day off than listening to some music that I love and sharing it with all those I love. I hope you feel the love from a task that is indeed bigger than me ;) I encourage anyone happening to read this to join in in whatever way, even if its just listening along with me.

*you can bet day 10, K in our one-letter-ahead system, will be Kendrick Lamar Day.

On to...

Day 1 of Music

A - Aaliyah "Try Again"

If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself and try again...

B- "Bigger Than Me" - The Game

Warning: This goes hard as fuck.

And lastly,

For my assigned letter, "R," the British drum n bass crew of whom I caught the blissful end of their set at Coachella 2014, Rudimental - "Feel The Love."

To 99 more days of music!